Dibber Sustainability
Inspiring the Generations of the Future with a Heart for the World​!
Dibber’s vision and ambition deal with sustainability at an individual and societal level. Sustainability is therefore integrated into our strategy and making sure we have a positive impact on the world around, is our top priority.​The core of how we do things is built on the awareness of the greater impact of our actions towards the vision to give every child a good start in life.

Together We Will Make a Difference
On the company level, we ensure that our policies, procedures, guidelines and pedagogy outline sustainable and ethical practices that are actionable on the ground.​
On the team level, we build a culture where sustainability, social responsibility and business ethics are the standards by which we evaluate how we or our partners are doing.​
On an individual level, we encourage everyone at Dibber to get involved in promoting ethical and sustainable practices, within Dibber and in their communities.​
Our Ambitions

Become one of the leaders in sustainable practices within education.​

Make a significant positive difference for the children, whose lives we touch and societies, within which we operate.

Embed sustainability into everything we do and for everyone we work with.​

Contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.​
Dibber Transparency
The Norwegian transparency act (åpenhetsloven) promotes enterprises’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, and ensures the general public access to information about how enterprises address adverse impacts in these matters. The act was adopted 18 June 2021, and with effect from 1 July 2022 partly implemented the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises into Norwegian law. An essential obligation under the transparency act for the enterprises in scope is to publish an account for so-called due diligence assessments with respect to fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. The Norwegian Consumer Authority (Forbrukertilsynet) is the supervisory authority under the transparency act, and provides more information about the act on its webpages.
Dibber is an enterprise of the group that Dibber AS, a Norwegian private limited liability company with organisation number 998 831 067, forms together with its subsidiaries (the "Dibber Group"). The Dibber Group is part of the group that HJR Holding AS, a Norwegian private limited company with organisation number 998 812 623, forms together with its subsidiaries (the "HJR Group"). Dibber prepares transparency reports with accounts for due diligence assessments made under the transparency act together with the other companies in the HJR Group. You can find our latest report, covering the period 1 June 2023 to 31 December 2023, in Norwegian here:
The report also includes our first transparency report, which our latest report builds on. An English version will be made available later.
Any enquiries as to Dibber and the transparency act may be sent to transparency@dibberfamily.com or transparency@hjrholding.com. Any concerns or specific incidents with respect to fundamental human rights and decent working conditions may be reported, also anonymously, through the Dibber Reporting System available on www.dibber.com.