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Do you have something to report? Use the Dibber Reporting System


At Dibber® we value feedback and other reporting. Reporting from within our organisation and outside our organisation enables us to maintain and develop quality in all aspects of what we are doing, from primary activities to support activities. Therefore, we have the Dibber Reporting System that everyone, both our own resources and external parties, should follow when they want to report something to us. The system currently consists of reporting on three different but interoperable levels, and includes the Dibber Speak-Up Channel for the more serious matters.


The first level: cheers and jeers to most immediate manager or manager of education unit or department of education unit


The first level of the Dibber Reporting System is for the ordinary cheers and jeers. Our own resources or external parties perceive room for improvement and want to address this. Generally our own resources should address this with their most immediate manager. As to our education units, anyone, can give cheers and jeers either to the manager of the education unit or the manager of the department of the education unit. If you have a child in a Dibber education unit and want to report something, please do this by contacting the manager as mentioned.


The second level: significant quality deviations registered and followed up as part of our total quality management system


The second level of the Dibber Reporting System is for significant deviations from the quality we demand from ourselves. Reporting about significant deviations on the initiative of our own resources and external parties are routinely registered and followed up as part of our total quality system, one aspect of the Dibber Way™, often based on the reporting in the first level.


The third level: reporting on breaches of law, our codes of conduct or non-compatibility with values through the Dibber Speak-Up Channel


The third level of the Dibber Reporting System is for breaches of law, our internal code of conduct or external code of conduct or something which is clearly and significantly not compatible with our values or other generally accepted values. Our internal code of conduct and external code of conduct are together with information on our values available on Reporting about such matters or reasonable suspicions about actual or potential such matters can be made through the first two levels of the Dibber Reporting System or through the Dibber Speak-Up Channel. In particular you can use the Dibber Speak-Up Channel if you feel the two first levels are not appropriate or if reporting through the two first levels has not provided the desired outcome.


Reporting through the Dibber Speak-Up Channel can be done by anyone through the form available below. The information provided will go to an independent team at the corporate level of Dibber, where the matter is treated confidentially and followed-up in the appropriate manner. The reporting can be done anonymously but note that we will then not be able to communicate back to you directly. Subject to certain criteria you may also be able to report to competent national and supranational authorities.

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